Making an infinite looking set of walls

So I have these two wall blocks here and I’m trying to figure out the best and most efficient way of making them infinity loop so it gives the effect from inside the windows that my elevator is moving up. Both of the walls are models by the way.


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One idea would be to CFrame or tween the walls upwards and continuously loop it. Of course, you’d need to perfect it in order to give it a good effect and make it unnoticeable. However, there’s the saying where you shouldn’t tween on the server, but pick whatever’s easier for you.

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You can simply have two copies of your wall. You’d move both copies down and once the lower copy’s top face passes below the window you can teleport it above the first copy. You can use CFrame for all of this as well as RunSercice.Heartbeat. You can also use BodyVelocity, BodyPosition (with the Y MaxForce as 0), and BodyGyro to keep the walls aligned while moving down. Then you’ll just use CFrame to move the bottom part to the top.