Making and Remixing 3D Assets

Hi! :wave: Long time game developer here… very new to Roblox. A couple gamedev buddies and I are making a modeling tool (see videos below) that allows you to create and remix assets for any game engine. We come from Unity/Unreal/Godot backgrounds so we think we understand their needs but we’re a little fuzzier on what this community would find useful.

Our gut says to start with avatar making and props, but we’d really love to hear what things y’all do most often when creating Roblox games.

How what you use a tool like this?
What features would you like to see?
What things do you love or dislike about Blender?

It’s early and our ears and eyes are very open :slight_smile:

Unbound quick look:

Test Roblox import:



This means its simply not codesigned (Code signing - Wikipedia). You can press More Info to run it anyways; however I don’t recommend running applications you do not trust.

I am not affiliated to Unbound.


I’m aware but its quite weird seeing roblox account made in 2025 showing up on devforum and creating a post that contains third party software download link that gets flagged by anti virus (its an msi installer btw) im not saying this software is a virus but if they want to get more users to use their product they should take care of that first


-mysterious software pops up out of nowhere aiming to replace blender and such
-flagged as virus by antivirus

this is totally safe and not 400 trojans, right?


It wasn’t flagged as a virus, it’s flagged as an unknown application. Read messages above. If it was flagged as a virus it would be red instead. Still VERY suspicious tho


Hi folks. I’m sorry if that came across as “we’re trying to replace blender”. We’re absolutely not. But, there are many things that are done in blender that don’t necessarily need to be done in such a complex, engineering tool.

Options are good, especially if you get a chance to help guide them early on.

And thanks to those who have already correctly clarified - unbound isn’t being flagged as a virus and that is in fact a code signing thing.

You don’t even necessarily have to try unbound right now - we’re just trying to get a feel for what’s important to Roblox devs making assets for their games. It certainly wasn’t my intention to start a flame war about Blender.

Any insight from Roblox devs around making and importing assets would be greatly appreciated :pray:


Hi Bura. To give you some context - unbound, like many other tools, started as one thing and has evolved over time. It’s technically a game engine in and of itself, but we discovered that game developers were interested in sculpting with SDF in unbound and using those assets to make games in other engines, like Unity, Unreal, and Godot. We’d like to include Roblox developers in that, since we’re already outputting FBX meshes.

Our team has been making games since the early 2000s so we’re more familiar with the engines listed above (or older ones, for that matter). This is why the account is brand new - we wanted to understand more about the community so we created an account and introduced ourselves. Gotta start somewhere. If I could roll back time and already know this community inside and out, I would. But I can’t do that, so the next best thing I can do is get involved :slight_smile:


as someone who finds blender annoying to use and overly complex I might give this a try, if its 500 viruses tho ill be pretty mad


Played around with it for a bit and I actually like it, its simple and easy to use for younger people, I doubt itll ever replace blender unless you do more indepth levels of control however for making simple shapes and furniture its very nice, no viruses so far either, all in all its nice


Hey hey! First of all. Thanks so much for checking it out. I’m glad you had a decent experience. Unbound is still new and so it’s evolving day by day.

I do want to reiterate - we’re in no way trying to replace blender. We don’t even dislike blender - we use it ourselves. Sometimes you need a hammer, sometimes you need a mallet, sometimes you need a wrecking ball. The right tool really depends on the person using it and what they’re trying to do.

We think for some creators, unbound is a more suitable, enjoyable option. For some blender will be. And I suspect many will use both (and others as well). We don’t want to take down or replace blender, we just want to offer another option for creators because sometimes blender (or any complex bit of software) is like killing a fly with a nuclear bomb - overkill

Anyhow, I really really appreciate you giving it a look and writing back. I’m glad you still haven’t found the 10 viruses we hid in there though (kidding kidding kidding) :wink:


Obviously nothing will replace blender however this is very friendly for younger people or people who dont want to dedicate years of their life learning blender so I enjoy it for that and will def be using it for my games, thank you for making an amazing product for free that is actually very useful!

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What a sweet response to start our week with :face_holding_back_tears: If you get into using it and have feedback, we’re all ears. Please drop them here. :pray:

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