Making arms follow mouse

what I tried

local mouse = player:GetMouse()

    mouse.TargetFilter = workspace 


    player.Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C0, 1.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.asin((mouse.Hit.p - mouse.Origin.p).unit.y), 0, 0)


Thank you for all help in advance


I think you make the arms follow the camera.

I haven’t tested this, but you can do this:

local mouse = player:GetMouse()
    local mousePos = mouse.Hit.Position
    local cf =, 1, 0), mousePos)

    player.Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C0 = cf


If the arms are in a weird position then you can change the, y, z) in

local cf =, 1, 0), mousePos)
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It looks like you are using to get a CFrame orientated from a position to another, you shouldn’t do this as there is a better way.

local cf = CFrame.lookAt(,1,0), mousePos)

I got it!
If you want to have the players hand point towards the mouse when a tool is equipped, just delete the CFrame.Angles(x, y, z) from the code.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local shoulder = player.Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder

	local mousePos = mouse.Hit.Position - shoulder.Parent.Position -- Gets mouse pos relative to shoulder
	local cf = CFrame.lookAt(, 0.5, 0), mousePos)

	shoulder.C0 = cf * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(cf.Rotation.x + 90), math.rad(cf.Rotation.Y), 0)

You also have to put this in a LocalScript.


I found a solution, it’s above this reply. ^^^

Unfortunately, I do not think this would work because CFrame.Rotation is a CFrame. The X property of CFrame.Rotation is just 0 because it’s only the rotation, it doesn’t include the position, which means the X Y Z properties are actually the position.

Mark the reply as the solution if it has solved your problem.

This isnt a good solution, after testing it with both R6 and R15, it doesn’t work as intended.
even after changing a few things, nope

Thank you for all the help
Your solution orientates the arm weirdly so it would not work how I want it to
If anyone else knows what to do help

After changing it to math.Atan it worked a bit better but it’s still not good enough for what I want
Also, I don’t really need the arm to turn left and right only up and down but both would work better

I did some more googling and I found a random pastebin with code that worked
Link:ROBLOX - Point Arm Towards Mouse -
Credits to the person who made that


have any way to make the arms follow mouse show for everyone in server?

Yeah remote events can do it just fire it to the server