Making Aspects Of Game Addicting

I’m currentley working on a game who’s main aspect is a 1v1 duel. This duel (once finished testing) should feel fair to the player and give them the hit of dopamine when winning, and make them want to return if they lose.

There is also a “Gold” currency which you get from playing the game which can be used to purchase spinner style crates which will award the player with items they can equip and show off.

However, whenever I use this crate and play the game it just doesn’t give off the same vibe that most other games I play do, where I want to keep playing and progress. Is it just because I made the game, or is there some aspect of the game I’m missing?

Please reply to this topic with any ways / aspects you’ve found make a game more interesting & fun.


Probably just because the game quality isn’t high enough and possibly because there’s not enough customisation. Although I’m against creating addictive content towards children, I still have much respect for those who manage because the games are truly very detailed. From the map to the mechanics, we’d say that many months even years has been spent.

Quality aside, or you can just do the good old trick of adding many colours, pets, VFX and music to attract very young audiences.


Yeah, I have a bunch of vfx and sfx added but I was thinking about making there be more impact and making the wins feel more rewarding with sfx to make the player feel like they just won the nobel prize. Thanks for the help!


If you have some kind of flex mechanic, then it can be very addicting. It sounds like you already added a “flex mechanic” such as lootbox items/ skins. The more flex, the better. People just want to be able to show their time and effort on a game to the whole world. Make it easy for them! :muscle: