I have a camera tween script, and it all works, except, once the camera has tweened to its position, it goes straight back to the player’s original camera. How do I make it so that the camera stays in the tweened position?
video of what is happening. Notice how after the tween, it goes straight back to the player.
This is not the whole script, but it the essentials:
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
local tween = ts:Create(camera, TweenInfo.new(1), {["CFrame"] = FirstSeat.Seat.CFrame})
I just want the camera to stay in its position once the tween is completed, RATHER than going straight back to the player. How would I go about this?
Are there any other scripts, functions, or user-created modules that are also trying to control the camera by editing its CFrame? If there are, they will force the camera to snap to their target as soon as they can after your tween finishes.
You might have to set a flag (BoolValue or boolean attribute) while this function is moving the camera and locking it in place, then add if conditions to other camera functions to only run if it’s set to false.