Making Character Beside Player

do you guys know of any efficient methods of making NPC’s be beside the players character with a smooth transition from inside the humanoidrootpart?, i have tried a bodymover, but it lags because i need to update the position, making animations for it is not practical, as i already have pre-made animations. Also tried using tweenservice then welding it but got no good results (Cframe "offset") so what could I do?


By being beside a character I assume you mean moving it to the characters relative position. This can be achieved a few ways depending on what end goal you would like to meet. The most popular (and recommended) way is to set the CFrame of the NPC’s root part relative to the character root part. Keep performance in mind, as well, when doing this.


yes i know, i tried doing a cframe to the characters humanoid rootpart, tweening it to the offset position, but if you check the “Cframe “Offset”” post you will see i had errors in that and no one has posted with a fix for it so far…