Making fan-made FNAF game in roblox

Hello guys

I’m making similair game to FNAF on roblox.
And i really need help with main menu

I can make main menu similair to this:

But i do not know how to make it work so if player click New game then paper comes up and he starts the shift and when he clicks ‘Continue’ the night starts for couple seconds
Same as ‘New game’

Does anyone know how to make this work?


Good luck. These used to be immensely popular before all getting copyright shutdown.

Also how can we help if we have no clue what your script is?

I didn’t do anything i just need help with main menu and how player starts the game.

It’s impossible to help if you haven’t done anything. You can go to #collaboration:recruitment and hire a scripter.

Yes,pls can you help me with this?

Find a scripter. You can try to use DevHub and YouTube but trust me, there is not enough tutorials to help you do everything in your game. There is some really good scripters and I would definitely go and look for them. My advice is to not create this game though, if it is too similar to FNAF, it will get taken down.

(also unrelated but stop ignoring me in private messages and explain why you haven’t told me that you’ve been developing a game)

If you want it to show up each time the character loads in, and if you don’t know how to code yourself, I suggest you either

  1. Follow everyone else’s advice and hire a scripter
  2. Put your GUI interface into the StarterGui service, so it shows up each time player joins.

The have some code that fires when a button is clicked to make the visible property of the gui turn to false, so it goes away.

This isn’t for giving scripts. Hire a scripter in #collaboration:recruitment

P.S. why does it say it will close in 14 days? Is this something new??

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