Making Free GFX! [STILL OPEN!]

so then how do you want me to make you amogus lol

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remove my arms and make me a little smaller maybe

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and a backpack? that would be funi

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sure, add a traditional roblox hammer if you want

hammer in your hand? you have none

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no, my back. like try to holster it or smn

ok so your character with no arms and downscaled, a traditional ban hammer on the back, and amogus background?

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that is affirmative

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I will start in 2 days, currently on vacation

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ah alr its fine. i just msged bc you look like you want to lol

im lonely i just wanna talk to ppl LOL and i need practice and this topic is one like away from the nice topic badge and yea

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oki dokie, have fun mate

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Ok. I apologise, also, check your messages.

Can you make a racing type gfx? With my roblox character on it?

its true and its all in good fun lol

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so your character in a car in a track?

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Yes, with some other characters on it.

i will do it tomorrow sound good?


Yup, good luck! I’ll wait you tommorow make sure to take your time.

Thank you, but this is my friend and we were merely joking in PMs. I’m sorry if this came across as rude we won’t do it next time. Thanks again. Also my GFX is pretty bad