Making Free GFX's of any kind (closed)

do whatever you want with it, an anime pose would be great actually.

do u want ur beard on the character

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@Olpumes_Alt hope you like it, heres 2 versions, one is a bit messed up in the face and the other i painted the face lol . this took almost 5 hours to render, blender was very slow, but then a hour of editing, so yeah i hope u like it and enjoy

And then heres ur reference to look back at it

This is my Profile Btw incase anyone thinks i Still go on Mysterious8805


Ooh yay, thanks! I can’t wait. :slight_smile:

haha well if you want to, feel free to make a gfx out of my roblox avatar, om devforum it hasnt updated yet so you might have to go on roblox, you dont have to tho, design it however you want

Damnnn that’s epic as hell thanks!

cool! thanks alot! my only problem is the flashlight, its kinda floating buy its cool!

oof i was sleeping, so thats why you didn’t get the character

Bro that’s an awesome remake. I’m impressed

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no, it would look bad. (30 year olds trigerred)

Wheres my gfx. i posted my avatar hopefully you make a gfx for that avatar

Be patient, they have about 8 orders and have a life irl.

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its not floating lol if u seen in it blender, its actualy in his hand, i would fix it but it would take hours bc blender is so slowwww, but i hope u like it bc i just started doing Gfx’s again 4 days ago, and i havent done any in 5 months, i havent evenn been on blender until 4 days ago, this was the last GFX i had ever done, and look at the change


understandable, Have a great day

Thank you man, I Hope i can get to do urs today bc u seem pretty cool

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You too man, u using the Thumbnail for a game?

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No problem and thanks lol :rofl: wth how am i cool lmao

nah i just wanna see what it look like if it was made using blender

u are understandable, ur avatar is awesome and ur not a jerk lol, also i think this is why i havent done his, he didnt explain anything lol

man i was hoping to see it on a game lol i love it

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