Making free vectors for RBXDev members!

I think this “guy” is responsible:
(bot as admin in group that owns the place, use HttpService through bot to create dev prods)
(I’ve heard stories of it before, but I didn’t see it properly implemented yet, like it is here)

How did you donate 1000? I only get two and I can’t change the number like I thought I’d be able to. I’m on mobile though so maybe that’s why?

@Younite Sorry for the low donation amount, would’ve loved to give more but it was all I had. Great work :slight_smile:

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Alright. So your donation setup does not work on mobile. I went on my laptop and funded you with R$3,000. Enjoy!

Waiting for requests to be open again o.o

I also gave you 6K because what you’re doing is awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

Would love to be notified when requests are open! This is some great quality work. Keep it up!

All these peeps giving thousands of robobucks and I only gave 100, I feel so poor

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I know right! I’m starting to feel like one of those rich people in one of those bidding charity events… just keeps going up, I feel like I need to do better…

Yeah I didn’t request one because I see all these people donating and I can’t donate any of my robux ATM. I would feel bad if I got one and didn’t donate.

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This is amazing! :smiley: idk how r u doing this but goodjob! the song name is ************************* xD

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I just realised these are .png instead of .svg
what if I want to size up my head to a really big size??
maybe make a huge printout

I can send you the . svg file cause the devforums don’t allow you to upload them.

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You could just rename it to .png and tell people they need to change the extension. at least, I think that’s possible, not sure if Discourse fixed that, if that’s even fixable

I’ll give it a shot

Just tried it, and changed extension names in WinRar, but didn’t work. I’ll send you the svg file in a message @Maelstronomer

Strange. SVGs are allowed on Discourse, but not this forum. @staff can we do anything about this?

How about if you zip them?

I’d love to do that, but it doesn’t work on discourse. All the vectors are in one big file so when I am done I will post the link to it here so you can get your own one if you would like it.

Dev forum is running on a bit old version.

meta name=“generator” content=“Discourse 1.8.0.beta2 - version 396557bae9f5915cccdd76ad30489c66872cbbb8”

This is the latest version.
But i’ve not seen the last commit, to SVG, go live on that one eather.