Making infected zones in a grid

Hello, I’m currently trying to infect a random amount of zones in a grid.
Here’s what I’m trying to achieve (the light blue is the background)

And here’s what I have right now on an UIGridLayout (I plan on making it in the Workspace one day)


It kinda looks like biomes in Minecraft but yeah, thank you if you can help me!

I’m not fully sure what you are trying to do, but I can recommend this.
If all the frames are in a folder or a screen gui, you can do this:

local screengui = (put screengui here)
for i, v in pairs(screengui:GetChildren()) do
 local randomnumber = math.random(1,12) —put chances here
 if randomnumber == 1 then
  v.Color3.Color3.fromRGB(put color here)

Sorry if there is any mistakes, put your screen gui where it says to put the screengui.

Edit: also make a check to make sure V is a frame.

I think what your trying to achieve could be done with Wave Function Collapse. You can try looking into it as I’m not an expert in this.