I was making my plugin “Icon Maker” and while messing with strings and :gsub my roblox suddenly stopped responding and i cant join ANY game in roblox studio, i tried deleting the plugin from the roblox folder but that also didnt work, any clues on what happend and how to fix it? If any more info is needed im willing to send it if it helps
im trying to get the code that i was working on to send it here
Roblox Studio just received an update, maybe re-install your roblox studio complete, by deleting it from your computer.
where is roblox studio located again? was it in AppData?
just re-installed it, it still seems frozen in the ‘Opening place…’
Have you tried to just open roblox studio, and opening baseplate? does that work
^opening the last auto save
^Opening a new baseplate
Whatever it is, it lags when trying to go in any place
Is it good to try to update roblox studio, delete the plugin again or delete the auto save?
Try restarting your internet.
Currently i cant, one of my family members is in a important meeting, but i also dont think thats the problem
the code is something like this, but i made some change that caused the crash
local txt = script.Parent.Text
if txt == "" then --stop if nil
txt = txt:gsub("[^-%d*%.]%d*","") --remove anything thats not - . %d
txt = txt:gsub("(%..*)%.", "%1") --remove dot
txt = txt:gsub("(%-.*)%-", "%1") --remove minus
local num = tonumber(txt)
if num == nil then
print("num is nil")
txt = tostring(math.clamp(num,-1000,1000)) --clamp num
txt = txt:gsub("(%.%d%d%d%d).*","%1") --try to remove any decimals after 4
could editing strings lag roblox? and since it’s a plugin it tries to load it when joining an experience
This doesn’t seem like the error.
i will try restarting my computer, since i have tried joining “evade” and many meshes and textures didnt load, so it might be something related to my pc or internet
did not work, apparently
i mean, thats the only reason i think it could be lagging my roblox studio, if a plugin is in a infinite loop does it stop like the scripts in workspace?
At this point, I would just get rid of all plugins.
i tried deleting the plugins, all of them, did not work, unless roblox doesnt update it somehow and still tries to load it
Honestly, at this point i will leave my computer running trying to get in the experience and go to sleep, i hope it’s just something simple that we didnt try
also im kinda afraid but my game says it was last updated 7/31… it was updated today though… i hope thats a visual bug only but the image shows an old image of my game
I usually activate Team Create for instant update inside Roblox Studio, to not have problems liek that.
team create is on for these games i believe, but this whole thing kinda scares me, if i see that i lost too much data i might just stop using roblox studio in a while