Trying to make a new plugin public (first time). Rejected due to “Missusing Roblox Services”, but after reading the relevant docs (community standards, etc) can’t determine the cause, but I have suspicions:
(1) the roblox endorsed UI classes (e.g. VerticalScrollingFrame) set top/mid/bottom bar images using “…” - i take this may violate the “don’t access remote stuff” rule. Is true?
(2) the plugin creates folders under game.Workspace and ServerStorage. is illegal?
(3) the plugin can (optionally) generate ModuleScripts under ServerStorage (e.g. to ‘export’ generate data for the user to utilize). is Illegal?
There are a few other factors that could contribute to your plugin’s denial, including the plugin’s title, description, or images associated with it. Given the information you provided however, it’s also possible that the scroll bar images could be a cause. You can try creating a ScrollingFrame with the specified values in the plugin script/folder and cloning that as desired (if applicable for what you’re trying to achieve). If none of this works, you may want to reach out to Roblox directly (or listen to advise from other DevForum community members that are much more knowledgeable on this subject than I am kekw).
Thanks. I had considered what you suggested, but before I experimentally pushes more, wanted some insight. Only have 8 attempts remaining before having to wait until 2/24.
I appealed the denial (asked for details so I could determine the violation) - appeal was denied without any clarification other than “…still in voilation of community standards…”
FYI, through experimentation (removing stuff bit by bit) I tracked the moderation complaint to a feature in the plugin that allowed data to be exported in the form of Module scripts that would (internally) load (require) child Modules and reassemble to provide the user with arrays containing the data.
Just writing the modules (under ServerStorage) does not seem to be the issue (another feature remains that allows writing of “settings” in the form of Modules under ServerStorage - to allow user to transfer to a different Studio project and reload using the plugin - this feature apparently doesn’t trigger the moderation error).
Lastly, referencing images (via “rbxassetid://…”) also (apparently) doesn’t trigger the error.