Making npc speak the scripted dialog

I want to make the boss NPC, but that will taunt the player through out the fight
I have these 2 set up then I got stuck

Some word of advice please where should I go from here??
I have never used Modulescript, and I want to try using one to organize my code.

Dialog box controller (localscript)
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Box = script.Parent.Frame.DialogueBox

local ChangeDialogEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ChangeDialog

Data (ModuleScript)
local Data = {
	Traits = {
		HasSecondPhase = true
	dialogs = {
		FirstPhaseintro = {
			"This is the intro dialog test"
		SecondPhaseIntro = { 
			"Now I'm mad",
			"Like for real"
		RandomDialogs = { -- this will be chosen randomly through out the fight

return Data

This is a question you ask your self. Please look at these resources:

  1. How to Use Modules
  2. Practical use of Modules
  3. Dialogue System Post (Conversation)
  4. Simple Video on making a basic Dialogue System

If you still feel quite lost with these please reply again.


use require(modulescript) in any script to access the data table that you made in the module

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I’ll be studying all of these thank you for the source


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