Making player face along the wall?

I’m trying to make a collision system where upon hitting a wall head-on, the player stops in their tracks, but if they hit it at an angle, they slide along it. Like the image sequence shown here:
image image

I’m just trying to snap the player in the direction of the wall, so they can keep moving forward in that direction themselves.
Right now, I’m using a raycast, and I’m able to judge the angle at which you hit the wall at, I’m just having trouble snapping the player in the desired direction. Here’s a bit of what I have right now:

local MidFrontHit, MidFrontPos, MidFrontNor = Raycast(hrp.Position, hrp.CFrame.LookVector * 1, 4)
if MidFrontHit then
	local dot = hrp.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(MidFrontNor)
	if dot < -0.6 or dot > 0.6 then --If head-on collision
		FrontCollision(MidFrontHit) --Front collision function
		--Snap to rotation along wall
	FrontCollide = false

What should I do to rotate the HumanoidRootPart’s CFrame correctly? I have it in place so that you rotate on slopes as well, so it’d have to play in accordance to that.

I’m not experienced with this stuff, but since you are using a raycast you will get a normal vector right? So then if you rotate 90 degrees with respect to the normal, in theory it should snap the player into the direction of the walls surface.(This is all theory and may not work)