Making pre-made upgrades for my game

Hey everyone,
I’ve been making a new incremental game and i’ve been trying to make upgrades to increase the money you make (example: upgrade number two costs $2 and gives 3 power (which is +0.03 money per click).

I don’t want to make formula as overtime they get too broken, but instead some pre-made upgrades where i put the price and power it gives myself.
I have made folders for the first 10 upgrades (1,2,3,4,etc.), each folder containing 2 values: price and power.
Is there a way to make the script check what upgrade you’re on and then check the right folder? or is this system just trash and theres a way better method to do this? I highly appreciate any help.

Have a good day


You can calculate the upgrade based off your increment, asuming upgrades just cost more and give the same ammount. e.g if i increased the price by a factor of 1.2 per level you would only need to store their current level and upgrade cost. The main thing with incrementals is to keep it as advertised, an incremental game that gets increasingly more costly to upgrade.

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