Hello! I’m currently making a roblox game about guessing songs, but ive came across an issue. Basically, roblox doesnt let you upload songs over 6 seconds long, but that kind of ruins my game. In my game, the songs only play for around 10 seconds, so i was wondering on how i could make it so that 1 part of the song plays as 1 audio, and the second part of the song plays as the second audio.
I want to handle the 2 audio ids like this (or differently if needed, idk if that’ll work):
This is the main part of my script which plays the song:
local correctSongNumber = math.random(1,#cloneSongs)
local correctSong = cloneSongs[correctSongNumber]
local correctSongName = correctSong.SongName
local correctSongImage = correctSong.ImageID
local correctSongID = correctSong.SongID
local correctPossibeLength = correctSong.PossibleLength
local groupFolder = game.Workspace.PlayArea[roundNumber]
local doors = groupFolder.DoorsFloors:GetChildren()
local correctDoorNumber = math.random(1,#doors)
local correctDoor = doors[correctDoorNumber]
local correctFloor = correctDoor.Floor
local tempFalseSongs = {}
local falseFloors = {}
for i, v in doors do
local falseDoor = doors[i]
local falseSongNumber = math.random(1,#tempFalseSongs)
local falseSong = tempFalseSongs[falseSongNumber]
local falseSongName = falseSong.SongName
local falseImageID = falseSong.ImageID
falseDoor.SurfaceGui.SongName.Text = falseSongName
falseDoor.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Image = falseImageID
correctDoor.SurfaceGui.SongName.Text = correctSongName
correctDoor.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Image = correctSongImage
local playingSong = Instance.new("Sound")
playingSong.SoundId = correctSongID
playingSong.Parent = game.SoundService
until playingSong.IsLoaded == true
-- print(correctSongName,"has loaded and the lenght is ",playingSong.TimeLength)
local playingSongLength = playingSong.TimeLength
local songStart = 0
if randomSongTimes then
local number = math.random(0,(playingSongLength - correctPossibeLength))
songStart = number
songStart = 0
playingSong.TimePosition = songStart
status.Value = "Listen Closely to the Song playing. It will only play for "..correctPossibeLength.." seconds."
--print("Song Finished playing")
tldr (if u lazy asf):
im trying to make it so that 2 audios that are each like 6 seconds long play after the 1st one so that it looks like its 1 audio
edit: any help is greatly appreciated