Hello! So, for context, I have a tool that, when used, it gives the player a set of abilities and a costume, and when used again, it turns the player back to normal, taking away their costume and their abilities. Think of it as… one of those superhero items that transform the user into their alter ego, like in Sailor Moon or Power Rangers.
I want to make it so that the user can’t use the tool while using the abilities. The abilities are made with context action service. I know how to add a general debounce for the skills (to not be able to use one of the skills while another one is already in use), but I don’t know how to make that for the tool. Thanks!
Do you want the player to be unable to have the tool equipped when they are using abilities? If that’s what you want you could use the :SetCoreGuiEnabled() method of StarterGui to hide the backpack and use Humanoid:UnEquipTools to unequip the tool. When you want the player to be able to equip the tool again, just Enable the backpack again with :SetCoreGuiEnabled(). I’m not sure if this is what you wanted. I thought it might be, because you said that you already know how to make a debounce, so I thought that you probably already knew how to prevent the player from doing things with an equipped tool.