Making .Touched work with R15

Note: I have to use R15 (sadly)

So, I have this cool script for a spleef game that worksn’t. It works if a player is only standing on it, but as soon as the player keeps jumping on it, it doesn’t register a hit. I did some research and apparently it’s because for some reason when a player jumps it doesn’t register as actually touching the floor. My friend suggested to use an invisible part above the original one to register the hit correctly, but I really don’t wanna go through the trouble of editing around 1.2k spleef tiles to make it work. He also suggested to use a ray on every spleef part. Here’s the thing: I have no idea how much of a toll it will take on performance (because I haven’t used rays too much) and I also don’t know if there are any better and less laggy options. Are there any other ways? Or is using rays on every one of the 1.2k not too laggy? I wouldn’t like to spent my time on something that I might find useless, lol.
Help appreciated.

Current script if needed for some reason;

function HexagonHoneyComb:AddLogic()
	local connections = {}
	for _, hexagon in ipairs(self.hexagons) do -- ipairs is faster by 0.0000008s so we'll use ipairs :troll:
		connections[hexagon] = hexagon.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
			if hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
				if not hexagon:GetAttribute("InstantFall") then
					local tween = TweenService:Create(hexagon, TransparencyInfo, TweenGoal)
				hexagon:Destroy() -- Usually, you won't ever need the part again, so removing it from workspace is the best
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The way I would solve this is that rather than firing a ray for every part, you should fire a ray for every player. Specifically, I mean firing a ray under each player and detecting a spleef part in the way, deleting it.

Correct me if that’s not how your script is meant to work.

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Sounds like a great idea. Let me try and then get back to you.

Sorry for the late reply (had to do lots of stuff), but indeed, it seems to work well. Thank you.