Rank Descriptions
The purpose of this information guide is to explain how to obtain certain ranks and what are the responsibilities of staff ranks. Each rank has been explained in as much detail as possible. If you want to join our staff team be sure to join our communications server located on the group page. Ranks are subject to change at any time.
Competitor: Members of the community.
Prestigious Competitor: Very important members of the community.
Winner: 1 Win
Noble: 5 Wins
Icon: 7 Wins
Challenger 10 Wins
Champion: 14 Wins
Immortal: 18 Wins
Legendary: 20 Wins
Monarch: 30 Wins
Contributor & Developer: Members of the Malibu Gameshows community that have contributed to the group in some way or are developing assets for the group.
Host-in-Training: Member of the community who passed the application process and is being trained on hosting gameshows.
Junior Host Responsible for hosting gameshows and interacting with the community for the best experience. These are typically people starting out or new to the position.
Senior Host: Responsible for hosting gameshows and interacting with the community for the best experience, as well as serving on the Public Relations Team. These hosts are typically people with an extensive history within Malibu Gameshows.
HR Team
Executive: Responsible for helping to run the Hosting Team as well as being a member of the Public Relations Team. Executives are second-in-command within our Hosting Team.
Administrator: Responsible for running the Hosting Team as well as being a member of the Public Relations Team. Administrator runs the entire Hosting Team with the help of Executives.
Owner: Responsible for the operations of the group as a whole.