Cylinder and brick positioned in such a way as to create an arch. I believe the problem here is that there would be a place of infinite thinness in the middle of the arch, because if the brick is even a little bit taller it will succeed. Quarter-circle cutouts will also succeed.
Two quarter arches won’t union into one half-arch. This is actually something I’ve done many times before and it’s possible this particular one is acting up, but I’ve included it here anyway just in case. Bonus: when this union fails it sends the parts to the origin, yet keeps their relative positions.
Two WedgeParts positioned like so. I believe this is also due to the same root cause that causes Case 1 to fail. Bonus: when this union fails it sends the parts to the origin, yet keeps their relative positions.
Similar to Case 3, this instead uses NegativeParts to cut out a section of a normal part.
All four of these are included in the attached file. Another problem I used to have was cylinders intersecting at right-angles, but that seems to have been fixed now and is thus not included.
CSG is pretty much a simplified CAD system, in other words, two points in the same place shouldn’t cause a problem, but something CAD does have a problem I’ve noticed, is if two lines/planes overlap, the solver can have issues, and sometimes intentionally throws an error to alert the designer of the file, if roblox didn’t remove this exception, it’s what I blame for it
@Weeve: At all, if this was the case… would this solve all issues, or just a few issues like AdmialLennox posted?
And if the warning was removed, would everything be fine or would work need to be done to not make it render weird?
All the issues I noticed were with coplanar, overlapping, or almost overlapping faces, I haven’t used CSG a ton, so it’s not exhaustive, but the ones I have seen have had that issue in common
If you want to avoid it, sizing or moving bricks to not have overlapping/almost overlapping faces should avoid it, if my theory is correct, although it’s only a theory, as I am still learning CAD myself, and that’s about all I’ve had CAD irrationally complain to me about so far
The reason for the warning, is CAD is based on sketches, extrusions, etc, and it doesn’t like to compute a self intersecting shape (ie: two intersecting coplanar faces), since I have no idea what Roblox’s code looks like, I can only assume they based their code off of some CAD code, that assumed it wouldn’t be dealing with self intersecting shapes/ coplanar intersecting faces, although it sounds fairly easy to fix, I think they should just go ahead and hire AxisAngle for a month and have him fix their CSG code, Axis is even better than me at stuff like that
Cylinder and brick positioned in such a way as to create an arch. I believe the problem here is that there would be a place of infinite thinness in the middle of the arch, because if the brick is even a little bit taller it will succeed. Quarter-circle cutouts will also succeed.
Two quarter arches won’t union into one half-arch. This is actually something I’ve done many times before and it’s possible this particular one is acting up, but I’ve included it here anyway just in case. Bonus: when this union fails it sends the parts to the origin, yet keeps their relative positions.
Two WedgeParts positioned like so. I believe this is also due to the same root cause that causes Case 1 to fail. Bonus: when this union fails it sends the parts to the origin, yet keeps their relative positions.
Similar to Case 3, this instead uses NegativeParts to cut out a section of a normal part.
All four of these are included in the attached file. Another problem I used to have was cylinders intersecting at right-angles, but that seems to have been fixed now and is thus not included. [/quote]
Engineers hate him! We’ll take a look, but Weeve pretty much summed up why this most likely won’t be resolved any time soon