Mangetsu Handbook

Mangetsu Handbook

If you’d like to learn more of our group operations, you can find all answers easily in here. We have made this document to keep track of all expectations, alliance and Designer information, and other useful info regarding our group. If you find any mistakes, or behold other questions, please contact any Executive or Administrator.

Group Information

Mangetsu was founded in November 8th of 2020 by CY3REO. Mangetsu provides clothing of multiple different genres and styles such as, anime clothing, vintage, etc. Our group is a remotely fast growing group, with a loving community and staff. Most of our operations are done by our departments and Executives. These operations include of events, moderator and Designer management, alliances, and moderation.

Rank Limits & Information

Owner - 1
The Owner mostly manages development and group advertising. The Owner also chooses the Administration Team.

Head Administrator - 1
The Head Administrator oversees and assists all departments, and overall aids the Owner with choosing the Administrators.

Administrator - 6
The Administrators are the more experienced individuals in their chosen departments, they also help the Owner and HA make important decisions regarding the group. Adding on, they also lead their department.

Executive Team - 10

The Executives assist in their chosen departments, and are the newest additions to them. Most of the Executive’s responsibilities are dependant on the department they are in.

Developer - ∞

The Developers help developing for the group. We choose our Developers based off of their experience and skill, to ensure the most advanced Developers are working with us.

Moderator - 15

The Moderators moderate the group and Communications Server. Their responsibilities include of keeping the group wall and Communications Server clean and organized, as well as ranking group members to Bronze, Silver, and Gold Members.

Senior Designer - 5

The Senior Designers are more experienced Designers. Designers get promoted based off of their work and activity.

Designer - 10

Designers are in charge of uploading clothing for the group. We hire Designers every once in a while, by applications. Sometimes, the Owner might approach someone and offer them a job within designing.

If you’re looking to learn more about our ranks, please contact an Administrator or above.

Department Information

Our group operates with two departments, filled with Executives and Administrators. Both our departments work hard on making our group even more organized, and bond with other groups and members.


The Compliance Team handles homestore shifts and the Moderation Team. Adding on, they manage Moderator warnings, terminations, etc, and also post monthly Moderator applications. This department is lead by an Administrator and assisted by Executives.

Public Relations

The Public Relations Team handles big events such as spirit weeks, awards, etc. The PRD also manages alliances including alliance terminations, promotions, applications, and announcements. This department is lead by an Administrator and assisted by Executives.

Partnership Information

If you’d like to form a partnership, please refer to the post linked below. We are looking for successful and welcoming groups and communities to form alliances with. Adding on, we also have some expectations for our alliances. Before contacting anyone for questions, please read throughout the post linked below.

Mangetsu Partnership Information

Designer Expectations

Greetings! We thank you for having interest in possibly becoming a designer here at Mangetsu! Before you become a designer, we have a few expectations and requirements that you must follow whilst being a designer, if you pass. Obviously, these are required and failure to follow them will have consequences. They can be found below. Below you can find our Designer expectations.

  • As a Designer, you must upload 1 to 4 outfits weekly.

  • Designers are to upload a max. of 4 outfits a week to reduce pings, of course if you made a set that will not count, however you need to put the set all together in one, not separate.

  • Designers are only allowed to upload once a day to reduce the amount of pings.

If you happen to not meet our requirements for the week, consequences will occur, unless you are on a notice. If you are on a notice, no need to worry about requirements. Additionally, Designers do not have to attend any shifts. Below you can find our expectations as a Designer.

Quality of Clothing

As a designer, you are required to make clothes fitting our current style. If you do not, the clothing design will be declined and you will be unable to upload it as apart of our group. We do not, under any circumstances upload any professional attire such as suits, formal dresses, etc. If you post something that does not match our overall group style without permission, you may be removed from the team.


As a Designer at Mangetsu, you are required to represent the group in a professional, mature way. If you happen to not do so you will, you will simply be terminated from the team. Below, you can find some things we do not accept from our Designers.

Design Rules & Policies

While working at Mangetsu, you must work under our guidelines and further instructions we give. Rules will be fair and everyone will be required to follow them, not following them will result in further consequences. If you send us clothes and get feedback back on it, you are not to respond negatively, but instead take the feedback for next time. If we decline your design, do not take it personal, since it can be for many reasons. you are not to post anything unprofessional, not matching our theme, or inappropriate. Posting any of the listed will get you removed from the team immediately.

Double Checking Designs & Copying Policy

When designing, ensure crediting Designers templates you possibly used. If you do not have permission, the design will not be uploaded. If you were given permission, you will be able to use it and you’re to put credit in the description. Additionally, always double check your designs before submitting them to us. If you upload pieces and there are mistakes in them, we will take it down and proceed asking you to fix those.


We thank you for reading through our community handbook. If you are wanting to join our staff team, please join our Discord and you’ll easily access more information. We cannot wait to see the new faces in the team. As mentioned earlier, any questions may be directed to a member of the Executive/Administration Team.

Mangetsu Administration Team

Social Links


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