Maniacal Mechanics: A team-based multiplayer game [MAP POLL]

I recently created a round-based multiplayer game:
And I need some people to play it and give feedback. Anyone interested? By the way, the reason there isn’t a thumbnail is because I’m terrible at art.

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Updated the game with some new features, such as an extra phase and some more panels.
EDIT: OK now it should be working completely.

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I plan on adding 2 more maps before moving to Beta for Maniacal Mechanics.
One I will add sometime soon
The other I will add during a live event that transitions the game into Beta.
I have two ideas for maps:

DJ Dance-Off (Destroy discs instead of panels)

Tower Takedown (Destroy supports instead of panels)

I currently have no images of either, as I have not finished them. I will do that soon, though.
However, I would like your input on would likely have a better live event.

Which map should be revealed in the Live Event?
  • DJ Dance-Off
  • Tower Takedown

0 voters

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I am very excited for both of those maps! :slight_smile:

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