ManiacGames Portfolio/Looking To Hire!

What is ManiacGames?


About Us

Howdy! We’re ManiacGames, a quirky little fun development team that creates new, exciting, unique games for you to discover! Our goal as a team, is to do what hasn’t been done before. Make things that have never been seen before by the Roblox community. We’re not just another clone. We’re working on making games that cannot be found anywhere else on Roblox. Even if our games may be similar to others, our technology will most definitely make it unique.

ManiacGames has a lot of projects in mind, but the one we are working on the most, is Arcade Mania.

Arcade Mania is a brand new game that’s coming to Roblox.
In Arcade Mania you can play many floors of fully functional arcade games of all types!
From old retro arcade cabinets, to new, more modern games. Weʼre also working on some insane machines like:

  • Parkour 3D
    (play a full on obby on a ui screen)

  • Bubblegum Pop:
    Minigame Madness

  • Fruit Salad Slash

And more!

Arcade mania isn’t all about the games, you can also use your points to collect special plushies that can gives you perks and increase your experience while visiting the Arcade! We’ve noticed that Roblox Arcades are sort of becoming a trend, which is why ours is going to be different. We’re going to work on making the coolest machines no other virtual arcade has done before!
We can guarantee it’ll take your breath away.

The Team

@King_Construction - Owner/Head Builder
@ajbeaver25 - Co-owner/Head Arcade Scripter
@xXTheEpicBananaXx - Head Scripter
@That_GhostYT [Retired] - Scripter
@blaeninja - Head Admin/Assistant/Scripter
@manuel5654 - Builder

You can see our progress so far here: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

Thumbnails and Logos

Inside The Game

Please note that these photos are outdated and the game may look different when we finally release it.


Weʼre running a bit low on employees, so we would greatly appreciate any takers.

These are the current available applications:

General Scripter {TAKEN}

The dude who gets this job would handle all the generic stuff like
server scripts, ui, data stores, etc.

Arcade Machine Scripter

This person would handle any physics and scripting required for machines.
I would build them and they would script them.

Merch Designer {TAKEN}

The applicant of this job would handle all virtual merch for the ManiacGames Group.
Payment would be per-asset.


We are paying 15%-19%. Our preferred payment method is Robux. All payments will be through reoccurring group payouts. This means you will receive whatever we make from the game. Merch Designers will be paid per assets. Payment for Merch Designers varies depending on the quality.

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum, or Discord.

Please DM either me: TheMasterBuilder#0817
or my Co-Worker: ajbeaver25#8668
on discord for more information

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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