Manipulate r6 limbs while ragdolled

I want to ragdolled r6 rigs to instinctively cover a wound, sort of like in this demonstration

My question is, what is a method for achieving something like that? I’ve tried simply using AlignPosition with attachments at the hands and target position, but the results are sketchy, even with constraints they either get stuck or rotate bizarrely. Another problem is that they will drag the body around unless I limit MaxForce severely, in which theyll have extremely slow response times. Is there a better method than AlignPositions, or am I doing it wrong?
Here is what I get using AlignPositions

alignposition will make the attachment or part want to be in that specific position you set, hence why the part moves the ragdoll itself.

you want to use an AlignOrientation or a BodyGyro and create a CFrame from the joint to the area which you wish to have that joint cover. you can do that through the CFrame construction like this:, lookAtPosition)

Alright, I will try with AlignOrientation
I was hoping to avoid having to calculate a cframe orientation but I’ll give that a try