Manipulating a Motor

Howdy developers,

Today I come to you with a math question.

I have a motor “Handle” which is attached to the Root. But I need for Handle to sway in the exact same way as LowerTorso + UpperTorso, which for various reasons can only be done via code.

What math would you use to manipulate Handle’s motor so it moves in the exact same translations and rotations as UpperTorso? (keeping in mind that UpperTorso moves in the same way as LowerTorso itself)

I’m doing this on mobile, I don’t know if we suppose to use code but can’t you make the handles orientation the same as uppertorso or even weld it to the uppertorso?

Handle has a different C0, C1, & Transform than the torso parts, and welding is not an option in this case.

Can’t you set the C0 and C1 to uppertorso and lower torso?

I believe that would change Handle’s positioning in an unintended way when really I’m just trying to add UpperTorso + LowerTorso’s animated translations & rotations to Handle’s Transform so that Handle maintains its proper offset

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Sorry, I can’t answer your question. I never heard of the transform propery for motor6d most likely because it’s hidden on the api from what I just read. Motor6D.Transform

You are trying to animate a character?

I am trying to manipulate the Handle motor every Stepped during an animation so it becomes offset from the root in a way which keeps it in its intended position.

An example is this. The blue motor is Handle, which is attached to the Root. It’s animated to stay in the RightHand, but in certain scenarios the torsos are rotated in a way which puts Handle out of the hand.

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