Mannequins for Hat/Hair items not properly fitting

Here are the steps I’m taking to put the UGC Hair item on a mannequin:

#1: Putting in mannequin & putting hair into workspace & cutting it out so I can paste it in:

#2: Pasting hair into the mannequin model

#3: After pasting it in, it doesn’t snap to the right part of the mannequin

As you can see, I’m struggling to figure out how I can properly get the hair on the mannequin without having to manually adjust it, since I know there’s a way to do so, and I’m not sure why it’s not working. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I’ve tried with different package models and all have been giving me the same issue!!


Have you looked at the attachment points contained in the head of the mannequin? I think hairs might use those to help align them when attaching themselves, see if any of them are inside the head

I don’t think R6 bodies have attachments points, correct? Does this mean I’d need to use r15 bodies?

They do. You just have to use your own character or another rig that has the proper attachment points. I also made a dummy awhile ago that has the proper attachment points if you wanna use it.

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