I know that they weren’t moderator, unless someone found something in he system and changed the icons to something that shouldn’t be on Roblox, this is probably a bug
I think this is due to degraded performance? I am having all sorts of issues with roblox and roblox studio. I checked status.roblox.io but it claims there aren’t any issues. Hopefully that’s the case, as I am struggling with studio as it’s not working correctly.
Is the issue with moderated icons being investigated or is it potential degraded performance? I’d like to know if I’m the only one having lots of issues.
It’s probably an error within the website’s corescripts, not moderation. Perhaps something loads too late and there’s an infinite yield? Im not a js expert.
By moderation i mean that someone didnt moderate these. So it’s not only you
I don’t recall if roblox did that. I am not sure they originated an entire wave for assets in the library but the last ban wave I remember is the entire exploit wave where they banned tons of players who had exploited.