Many UV Mapping errors present when attempting to upload UGC Head

I have been learning how to create a functional (but animationless, static) UGC head for the past 6 hours straight. Numerous errors popped up over and over again when validating, but I got through all of them slowly until I stumbled upon these ones which are so vague that I can’t figure out how to fix them.

I have tried to look for solutions to them for a long time, but the technical language they sport has only led to failure. Devforums, documentation, blender forums… I only got a slight hint at what the last one might be, which is the incorrect X,Y positioning of the UV Map. The other ones are way too vague to be understood by a blender noob like me.

Take note that the mesh I am using is simply the exported Head SpecialMesh from the R6 Rig imported into blender, which seems to have some weird topography and geometry with uneven triangles. I am using a 3000x3000 image in Blender with the cat face occupying about 1000x1000 of that area to make the UV islands scale adequately.

What is a unique UV? How do I fix the zero-area triangles? How do I correct the position of the UV?

I think the unique UV error is saying that the mesh has planes that occupy the same UV space as another plane.

kinda like if you folded a piece of paper in half, and colored it with a marker and it bled through to the other side. therefore making the image appear on 2 places of the same paper. if that makes sense.

As for the Zero area triangle, I believe that’s because you have a triangle whose points are all in the same place on the UV map, therefore giving the triangle no room for a texture (because if all 3 points are in the same place, it’s not a triangle, its a dot.)

The invalid UV map value probably has to do with the UV map being bigger than the texture it uses Or something like that.


Re- Unwrap the head and make a new UV map. (not that hard, just need to click a button or two)

If you need help I’ll be happy to assist!

Is there any chance you have modified the cage data? It is pointing the error to the OuterCage mesh, which must preserve the same amount of vertices and same UV layout as the original one you can find in the template files (Scroll down to find the files with just the cages if you don’t need anything else). Make sure they match properly, otherwise you might be better off reimporting the cage again and wrapping it around the head.

Make sure you also cut it properly, and don’t include additional islands if you don’t need them. In fact, for just the head, you might want to remove anything that doesn’t belong to the head cage.

If you inspect the UVMaps in the cage meshes, you can see they are divided in very specific islands like so:

In the image, I’ve highlighted the ones that belong to the head, so make sure to cut away any polygons that don’t have UVs belonging to those specific ones.