Hello developers,
Today I come to you yet again in dire straits, and I need your help. Over the past few months, a group of 5 builders and myself have been working on a new game. I’ve told them all to use 0.2 scaling. 0.1 sparingly, and 0 only when absolutely necessary (oddly angled walls, etc). I made this rule so buildings will be easier to modify in the future, and having imperfect sizes bothers me. Most of this map was built by them, but I’ve built a few items. The castle shown here being one of the buildings I built myself.
A significant portion of the map’s buildings (~35%) and props now have scaling issues. For example, a wall that used to be 11.4 x x 18 x 1 is now 11.32 x 17.873 x 0.993. This is causing problems when we want to come in and modify a building. I’ll find individual props with these issues in intact buildings sometimes. I’ll also find frequently that groups of parts in the game have been made into unions, usually causing many problems as well with scaling and positioning. My suspicion is that someone on our team is using a plugin that’s causing these problems. We’ve also had an issue where someone was using a plugin which inserted a virus script into a random part in the workspace. It was a “shift to sprint” plugin a builder was using.
What do you think? Is there anyway to right this wrong other than redoing these buildings? Will rescaling them work at all? Do you think it’s a plugin doing this? I don’t want our entire map to eventually be ruined by these issues.