Map ideas for Onwar

My Lobby? Or just maps that people will be teleported to.

Map. I think you should do part of the map desert another bit forest and then a modern city.

“The Corrupted Forest” that would be a good map/

Yeah, that would.

Just to get more then the character limit.

the game is a game where you can race a robot.

Cool! Is it like cars? Oh and uhh I need some advice. I said something saying the Roblox website shut down because an event then I said “It was just a meme” then I admitted I was wrong. The guy said, "Don’t try to bullsht your way out of it." He said Bull*** to me. What should I do?

No, your race a robot at an obby. But that would be fairly cool.;

I need advice read what i said after

just ignore him. Theres really no need to be in the situation where you argue with someone. I usually try to get out of arguing with people as no one ever wins and it just goes on for hours.

Thanks, I will. He bypassed chat btw/

Why use Johnathan? That makes me feel happy but at the same time annoyed.

Oh, the email I sent you. I am sorry if that annoyed you. Can I be the scripterr?

Whats the email named? Like the thing u sent me.

It is called Robloxia County Roleplay Hire from DominusLJ.

Il check. I’m going to get things for a truck

Can you also help me with 1 thing in my game? Are you good at making maps? If so, can you make 1 map? The map is a sewer.

I can build need a builder?

I have lots of groups and experince.

@thekitten3131 Do you need a builder? I recommend me and JonathonBows he is my developer and also I am a developer with lots of experince.

I do. I do indeed need 2 builders. I can hire you! Do you accept to help me build please?

Yeah, I can help. Do you like guns and jets or what do you want?