Map Loader Module V1.0.0

New module, new free model!

What is this module?

This module is loading maps (but not as fast) but im still finding a way on how to load the maps faster. Look in the Module and the maps folder and you’ll see premade maps!
Screenshot 2024-08-05 185802

How do you use it?

Easy pie. Here’s an example explaining what the modules does:

mapLoader.loadMap(“TestMap”, false, game.Workspace.BaseplateMap, false)

  • The “TestMap” is the map name you want to load.
  • The “false” next to the map name, is if you want to include clouds in your loaded map.
  • The “game.Workspace.BaseplateMap” is the map you want to move back to the module.
  • The other “false” next to the excluded map, is if you want to load Terrain, if you have a TerrainRegion in your map folder.


  • This copies the terrain and pastes it in workspace as an object.

Here’s the script for the map loader if you want to load some premade maps for testing!

local mapLoader = require(game.ServerScriptService.MapLoader)

mapLoader.loadMap("TestMap", false, game.Workspace.BaseplateMap, false)
mapLoader.loadMap("BaseplateMap", false, game.Workspace.TestMap, false)
mapLoader.loadMap("Island", false, game.Workspace.BaseplateMap, true)

If you don’t have the module, the module is free and no credits is required (only if you want to), here’s the link: Module Link

Is it open source?

Yes! Free to use and no credit as said. Extremely modable!


theres nothing wrong with the module tho lol

the link is working now! check if you want to lol

Does this support terrain filler gfillllll?

yes and only if you copy the terrain to workspace and move the terrain object to your map terrain folder

Nice module! I hope to see an update making the loading times faster :smile:

Hello, i have been using this module and the Configuration for the Lighting doesn’t work. any idea why?