Map LOADING takes too much time

Hello! I’m working on a game that clones and parents models (“maps”) from ReplicatedStorage to Workspace. The problem is that it takes a long time to load these models. Is there a more efficient way to handle this? (i dont want it to load that long)

Is this fully needed? Like can you just have all the models in Workspace instead of cloning and moving models as they can slow down games. Another idea would be to make the models transparent in Workspace and when you join the game they appear. Keep in mind I don’t know what kind of game your making so these solutions may not be relevant to you. You can try enabling streaming.

How many Parts (meshes, unions, etc) are in the maps?

Post your script here so others can see how you are doing this. There might be some small issue with your code that’s causing the lag.

its just clones like this map:Clone() and parents to workspace


  • How many parts, meshes, and unions are in the map?
  • The reason I asked for your code is there might be something else in your script other than the map:Clone() that’s causing the lag.
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You can use InsertService to load the map quicker than :Clone. If you still wanted to clone to model to the workspace, I’d recommend putting your map in ServerStorage, and load the map using a server Script. If it still takes a while to load, your map could be unoptimized. I’d recommend looking into this to optimize your map if needed, assuming it has MeshParts in it. For other things, such as Parts etc., look here.

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serverstorage is only accsessed by server so it will be slower ill try using insertservice tho thanks

no code is small it just randomly chooses map and clones to workspace like this

local maps = game.ReplicatedStorage.Maps:GetChildren()
selectedMap = maps[math.random(1, #maps)] 
local clonedMap = selectedMap:Clone()
clonedMap.Parent = game.Workspace

there are not many meshes,parts,models too