Map Making! Many problems (Building Game) (Realistic)

Hello developers, I am making a building game with realistic graphics but I need help on how to make the map. Right now, it is a baseplate with a lot of plots on it. (300x300)


  • If I am going to make a basement or pool option, how and I suppost to “cut” terrain.
  • Should I use Lo-Poly terrain or smooth terrain?
  • I am not good at the terrain editor.

What I need from you

  • Answer the problems above
  • Give me tips.

Thanks, Trymentinc

Sorry if this topic was unclear or in the wrong catagory


You can script terrain and replace the section of terrain you want to be the basement into air, so it’ll be like removing it.

Depends. Is your game cartoon-based, or realistic? If cartoon, then use low poly, else smooth terrain. If your houses use materials (other than plastic), then smooth terrain definitely.

Practice. Watch videos. Search the DevHub and the DevForum. Anyone can be good at anything they want to be good at.


How would I fix this?


local t = game.Workspace.Terrain
t:FillBlock(script.Parent.CFrame,,-2,-2), Enum.Material.Air)

It didn’t work before I subtracted 2.

One easy way would be to use the grow tool on the sides of your preexisting terrain, and then erode away any excess that goes onto the basement. Or, you could use the region function to select the area with the basement and fill it with grass.
You could even make the terrain flat again, and the use the region tool to delete the area for the basement.
An alternative would be to use part to terrain. Make a part that’s on the gaps, and then convert it to grass. It will not convert any part that isn’t selected into terrain. I.e, your basement won’t turn into terrain.

For more on how to use terrain, check this tutorial:

It’s by Roblox, and it explains how to use all the terrain tools. Feel free to ask any questions.

EDIT: Oh… you wanted to use scripting. Well good luck. Hopefully somebody sees this post who know how to script with terrain and helps you. @Bird_7x.

Yes this is not in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support but I was asking how to use it in scripting. The reason I put this in this category, is it contains map making. My fault I should have made a separate topic.

If it contains map making then I recommend placing it in #help-and-feedback:building-support

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Just changed it!

@TheCarbyneUniverse How would I fix this?

Try expanding the part size on X and Z by I’d guess 5 - 7 studs. Then take that number and divide that by 2. When you have the quotient, subtract it by the X and Z of the part’s position. That would make the part large enough to fill up the hole completely, or that’s what I think.

Here’s the code:

local part = -- Part here
local increaseAmt = 6 -- Increase by studs here. If it doesn't fill the hole completely, try increasing this value.

part.Size = part.Size +, 0, increaseAmt)
part.Position = part.Position -, 0, increaseAmt/2)

Is there any way to make the edge of the terrain not rounded?

I don’t know, try adding new terrain around the edges.