my game recently blew up and I just noticed that on mobile (or lets say on devices with less power) the map isn’t fully loading. Some parts of the map wall are missing and a complete half of the map as well.
It wouldn’t make a difference. There’s nothing to load. They player just needs to turn up their graphics level so Roblox will render more of the world.
Also, why does the game have a fake loading screen in the first place? It wouldn’t do anything if it’s just waiting an arbitrary amount of time instead of actually checking if there’s anything still loading.
I made the fake loading screen to make it look more professional and also, sometimes without the loading screen, you see the world loading and with the loading screen you wont see that.
It wouldn’t look professional, it would look tacky. Most fake loading screens are very obvious, and most of the time wait far longer that it should. Most of the time, you should just be checking if game:IsLoaded() is true and ContentProvider.RequestQueueSize is 0.
Look at Arsenal. It has detailed maps, but it doesn’t even bother with a loading screen. It just shows how many assets are still loading in the bottom left.