Map voting system keep spawning the same map?

I have this script which calculates highest vote and then after 10 seconds it chooses that map that got the highest votes:

But for some reason it keeps spawning exact same map. If you need more info I will give more.

Here should be a “better” version of you Map Selection code

local children = MapsFolder:GetChildren()
for i = 1,3 do task.wait()
   local NextMap = children[math.random(1, #children)]
   if not table.find(Maps, NextMap) then
      table.insert(Maps, NextMap) -- inserts Map
      table.remove(children, table.find(children, NextMap)) -- removes Map from table to not be selected again

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It seemed to work but it is doing strange things. It’s not displaying all the maps and when the red map is on the screen and the highest votes are the pink one it still spawns the red

you may be able to do this:

for i = 1,3 do task.wait()
   local NextMap = children[math.random(1, #children)]
   if not table.find(Maps, NextMap) then
      Maps[i] = NextMap -- Creates a Number Variable for the Map

Map[1] is the First Map, and so on

It errors out the part where it says: table.sort(Maps) and I need this part in my script because it organises the maps in the table to display in screen

I think you really need table.sort() here,

Since a Number is Assigned for the Map, it should be fine:

-- What Maps[i] basically does
Maps = {

   [1] = Map1
   [2] = Map2
   [3] = Map3

print(Maps[1]) -- prints "Map1"

You can try this if you like:

table.sort(Maps, function(x, y)
   return x > y -- or "x < y"
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Do I put it out like this?

Pretty much, If this is the effect you want:

00:42:22.417   â–Ľ  { -- Before Sorting
                    [1] = "Hi",
                    [2] = "Hiiiiii",
                    [3] = "Hii",
                    [4] = "Hiiiii",
                    [5] = "Hiiii",
                    [6] = "Hiii"
                 }  -  Server - Script:15
  00:42:22.417   â–Ľ  {  -- After Sorting
                    [1] = "Hi",
                    [2] = "Hii",
                    [3] = "Hiii",
                    [4] = "Hiiii",
                    [5] = "Hiiiii",
                    [6] = "Hiiiiii"
                 }  -  Server - Script:22
local List = {
	[1] = "Hi";
	[3] = "Hii";
	[6] = "Hiii";
	[5] = "Hiiii"; 
	[4] = "Hiiiii"; 
	[2] = "Hiiiiii";

table.sort(List, function(x, y)
	return x < y


x > y will have this effect:

 00:44:08.104   â–Ľ  {
                    [1] = "Hiiiiii",
                    [2] = "Hiiiii",
                    [3] = "Hiiii",
                    [4] = "Hiii",
                    [5] = "Hii",
                    [6] = "Hi"
                 }  -  Server - Script:22
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Ok now I fully understand how that works thanks. But I am a bit confused with the script. This is what I’ve got so far:

When I change it to a for loop like you said, it starts doing weird stuff so I was wondering is there a way I can fix this by keeping what I’ve currently got?

Do you have the client-side code responsible for letting players vote? Can you send it here?

By the way, use ``` when you are pasting code.

local Some_Code = “Some Text”

Above would show code like this:

local Some_Code = "Some Text"
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Hi thanks for the reply. I forgot to let you know that I have figured out the problem.

As a suggestion, please do explain how you were able to figure out this problem, as others might have similar problems

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