Not sure if I suggested this before but I think developers would love to be able to apply maps like bump and specular maps to their decals, this will allow for nicer looking surfaces without having to render more polygons.
Decals are fine the way they are. These should be added to the Texture object.
Texture inherits Decal
It’s been brought up a few times and it would seem it’s not out of the question, but not on the road map(Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
I’d still love to have it. I can make textures, and they don’t look bad, but it would add a lot if I could have like normal maps.
[quote] It’s been brought up a few times and it would seem it’s not out of the question, but not on the road map(Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
I’d still love to have it. I can make textures, and they don’t look bad, but it would add a lot if I could have like normal maps. [/quote]
I still feel strongly about this.
Also. MrGamesNWatch, you’re the first person to reference one of my post.