March of the Dead Zombie REVAMP Update

sorry if my english will be bad here

March of the Dead is back with another major update! This time, this update is for the zombies!

This post will go over the major changes that came with this update

Before this update, it was very evident that the zombies rarely, if not, never damaged a player. This was a game breaking bug that has finally been fixed! Zombies should hit much more now!

Zombies now also make sounds when they hit or attack a player!

Now we are moving the boring stuff aside, lets go the most major changes!

Crawlers now make you sit/trip upon touch! You will be stunned for about 1 second, which gives the Crawler a little chance of attacking you more. This helps make the Crawler have a much better place in the game.

Scrawnomorphs have 2 newly added abilities! Before this, they had none!
Scrawnomorphs now explode upon “death”. After that, its head detaches and the Scrawnomorph then becomes a very powerful Head Charger!

Now the elephant in the room! Some zombies have completely new and remade or reimagined appearances! Very special thank you to builderbuxman, who created these new zombie looks!! I will now display a side-by-side comparison for some zombies! The rest of the remade zombies are for you to see when you play the game!

Thunder Zombie:


Elemental Infected

Some zombies have also been buffed and nerfed in this update! That’s about it for the update in terms of important stuff!
