Market Research for New Concept

Market Research for my New Concept

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Hey all. Hope you are doing well.

I am working on a new concept for a few things and I require some research to do such. All you need to do is answer the polls below. Your name, avatar etc will not be retained, only the item you voted for to produce some statistics.

Would you spend real money on products related to economy (money, currency/balance systems etc) that would benefit your type of game? If so, please state the price range
  • Under £10/$14
  • From £10/$14 to £20/$28
  • Above £20/$28
  • I would only spend robux on a product like this
  • I would not spend anything on a product like this.

0 voters

What colour scheme do you prefer in products and their logos? An example would be GUIs in game. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY!
  • Dark Theme
  • Light Theme
  • Purple Theme
  • It depends

0 voters

How suitable would money-based products be to your games? If you have several games, answer in regards to your most popular.
  • Very Suitable
  • Somewhat Suitable
  • Neutral
  • Not very suitable
  • Unsuitable
  • This is what my game is based about
  • I don’t have any games

0 voters

Thanks for reaching the end! Have a picture of my dog.

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Roblox ToS forbids spending real money on in-game perks.

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This is a product, not a game.

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The dog clearly wants some fivers and tenners.

I personally wouldn’t be that interested in this, isn’t Robux the exact same thing or am I interpreting this wrong?

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The Dog looks so Swag!!


Based on current feedbacks, I am more than likely going to offer both robux and real money payments for licenses. Some people do prefer using money however understandably the majority of the community would rather use robux.

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