Marketplace service questions

I’m not having an issue or anything I’m wondering how you can check if a shirt sold in your game via marketplace service or any other way, like a player buys a shirt and the game can see that they bought it just like a dev product. Is there any way I can do that? if so please help.

You can see commissions for avatar shop sales in-game on the developer stats, but you can also get some sort of analytics event, which is fired when a purchase prompt is completed, check out GameAnalytics as a good option to check.

game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(player,ID) -- Purchase
if not isPurchased then return end
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This is great, but I’m guessing @floodedtown wants to be able to track per sale, which you’ll still need some form of analytics events to do.


Thank you I will be testing this out with the new information.


I didn’t know about the PromptPurchaseFinished, thank you.

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