MarketplaceService::getProductInfo() an error occured while parsing web response

Hey there, I’m trying to get information of a shirt but I get the MarketplaceService::getProductInfo() an error occured while parsing web response error when checking.

HTTP requests are enabled.
My code:

local pInfo = MarketPlaceService:getProductInfo(productId, Enum.InfoType.Product)

productid is also valid. Can someone help me how can I fix this error? Thank you.

Are you checking to make sure the game is loaded?

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No i don’t, but this proccess is done later after a shirt or pants has been purchased

Seems like I have fixed the issue in my own way.

Could you explain how you solved the issue? That may help people who have the same problem.

I acidentally set Enum.InfoType.Product instead of Enum.InfoType.Asset.