MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase does not support Roblox limited items

When prompting a user to purchase a Limited item via MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase, the operation will always fail if the limited item was created by Roblox prior to the release of Limited 2.0. The user will receive the prompt: This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged. for impacted assets.

Reproduction File:
PromptPurchaseLimitedReproFile.rbxl (60.1 KB)


Prompting purchase from: Server

Prompting purchase from: Client

Expected behavior

I expect all Limited items, regardless of publish date, to be able to be prompted via MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase and for users to be able to purchase these items in-game at the lowest retail price.


I can confirm this. However, i believe this is a intended feature because inspecting someones limited item ingame will give a small warning that it can be only be sold in the catalog

It would be nice if you were able to buy roblox limiteds ingame or atleast a error showing that the item can only be sold at the website

It should atleast show a error like
“This item can only be purchased from resellers in the Catalog” like it shows at the avatar preview

I hope they would actually update normal limiteds to be supported to purchase ingame


Bumping this post - MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase now supports Limited 1.0!

However, it seems that MarketplaceService:PromptBulkPurchase does not support prompting Limited 1.0s:


It also seems like commissions aren’t supported with this and limiteds bought in-game don’t generate revenue.