Marvel Resurgency/DC Online - Rules

Rules for Marvel Resurgency And DC Online

Number One
-Rule of character

Be Accurate to the character your playing,Our MARVEL universe is heavily inspired by : Comics,The Marvel Cinematic Universe And The Amazing Spider-Man Movies.OUR DC Universe is heavily inspired by the DCAU.Just because we’re INSPIRED by those,it does NOT MEAN that theyre CANON

Number Two
-Rule of conduct

You must NOT lack with respect with ANYONE inside the group.

Number Three
-General Rule

Roles are NEVER free,to get a role you MUST AUDITION,that is UNLESS You’re highly trusted by the Owner

Number Four
-Devoloping rule

Asking for models,UNLESS You’re a devoloper or higher rank is NOT ALLOWED.You wont be granted ANY Models or Scripts.

Number Five
-Activity Rule
After your character is introduced to the canon RPs,You MUST be active.Actvitity Strikes work in the following way : You get 1 strike by missing on a RP that you’re a side character on,3 strikes if you’re a needed character on the RP.Once you reach 10 Strikes you will LOSE Your role.Activity Strikes are ONLY Revoked in 4 Cases : 1.You fill in a activity notice ,2.You are sick and couldnt make it ,3.Emergency cases : Personal loss,Personal accidents,Among others 4.School/Family Reasons

Number Six
-Behavior role
You may NOT Annoy admins asking about when your character shows up in canon RPs,it will be done whenever we decide its the right time to be done,or when the storyline has potential for it to be done

Be sure to read the rules BEFORE anything,Keep in mind these CAN Change And new rules can be added