Mass - DataStore?

I’m looking for a way to DataStore all contents within the ‘PlayerData’ folder -
Notably new Folders will be added / removed from the Folder during Gameplay and these will also need to Save - I’ve had a method in the past of doing this:

I’m trying to achieve this method again - However I’m having no luck in getting the code to work?
Thank you. ^^



When I datastore a lot of things, i use tables. You can also save tables inside of tables.

For example, create a table for the Player Data and have other tables for the the other data and save that inside of the Player Data table. Let me show you an example:

(I am gonna show you how to save the _Misc data, but the other data such as Inventory, Storage, Party, etc…would be the same. Remember that you can save multiple tables inside of a table


local PlrData = {}
local MiscData = {}

table.insert(MiscData, 1, Chunk.Value) -- Inserts the Chunk value into the table and 1 is the position in the table
table.insert(MiscData, 2, Storyline.Value) 

table.insert(PlrData , MiscData) --Inserts the MiscData table into the PlrData table. As I said, you can save tables inside of tables. So follow this process with your other data and just make more tables	

local success, fail = pcall(function()
	DataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId.."-data", PlrData ) --Saves the PlrData table

if success then
	 print("Save success!") -- Data is saved
	warn("Error saving for "..plr.Name..". "


Checking the data when the player joins is pretty simple:

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) --Runs when a player joins

local PlrData = {} --Makes a new table

local success, fail = pcall(function()
	PlrData = DataStore:GetAsync(plr.UserId.."-data") --Gets the player data if it exists and puts it into the table we just made

  if success then --if the player data exists
    Chunk.Value = PlrData [1] --Makes the Chunk value the same as it was before the player left
    Storyline.Value = PlrData[2]


I wrote this stuff pretty quickly so I can imagine there might be some typos and I might’ve got some stuff wrong so let me know if you need help with anything and tell me if you need me to explain anything

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I thought I had a solution but apparently not :man_facepalming: Yes please, help would be appreciated

Don’t represent data using instances like that. Make a proper data module that saves each player’s data in a table using a module like ProfileService and then use something like ReplicaService for state changes.


Make an algorithm to change the playerdata folder into tables depending on hierarchy? something like that

The way I would approach this is by making the data into a tree within a table.
You could do something like this:

-- ModuleScript

local function appendToTree(tree, child)
  if child:IsA("Folder") then
    tree[child.Name] = {}
    -- Account for other classes
    tree[child.Name] = child.Value -- Blah, blah

return function(DataFolder: Folder)
  local tree = {}
  -- You only need 4 nested loops because your hierarchical depth is 4.
  for _, child in DataFolder:GetChildren() do
    appendToTree(tree, child)

    -- Continue if the child doesn't have any children (a.k.a is not a folder)
    if not child:IsA("Folder") then continue end

    for _, _child in child:GetChildren() do
      appendToTree(tree[child.Name], _child)

      if not _child:IsA("Folder") then continue end

      for _, __child in _child:GetChildren() do
        appendToTree(tree[child.Name][_child.Name], __child)

        if not __child:IsA("Folder") then continue end

        for _, ___child in __child:GetChildren() do
          appendToTree(tree[child.Name][_child.Name][__child.Name], ___child)

  return tree

Of course, this is a very hacky and unreliable algorithm. To make this more dynamic, you will need a way to figure out the hierarchical depth of an instance (which means the amount of descendants to the farthest descendant), which I do not have time to come up with. Hope this helps!