Do any of these Uncopylocked games have a shop system? (e.g shop clerk, buy weapons with coins from the menu) If so, that’d be great!
Hey! This is pretty nice.
But you also have 1 game under review.
You made a game about a casino, against the Roblox TOS if not 17+ which lead to its removal.
Naval warfare at home, Robbing Simulator, and King’s Landing are the first to come up in my head.
Shovel from Camden at home wont work no matter what, despite reuploading the animations and copying everything over from that game to another game. The same shovel works in camden at home too, so im just confused
What is the Gun system used in the PI games?
It’s a breed of the original roblox RCL guns called SMG
your my hero. let me know if you need anything
Hi again! is there anyway i can fix “Waterloo at Home”, the game’s StarterGui doesn’t work properly and doesn’t show up whatsoever in StarterGui, if so, ty!
Of course. But there’s already a fixed version of Waterloo at home if you’re interested in just playing: Waterloo at home - Roblox
I made this in 16 / 11 / 2024 and the full house was made completely in only 4 days
Where is the Communication Server, cause the link is unaviable.
how can i change the leaderstats it doesnt work when i change it from playerlistplus can you help me please
Hello there, as for the Vegas at Home game, do I need to re-upload all the audio and animations so that the NPC tables work? I’m not very knowledgeable about animations, so is there anyone who can tell me where to find the necessary animations and how to carry out the publication process?
Somebody was able to steal his account because his phone number was linked.
How do I get the NPCs to work on the las vegas at home game so they can play at different tables?
Small update. I am no longer providing support for any of the games/projects in this post as I have quit coding entirely.
Sorry to bother, but I notice the “noob defence” game attached is just intro place(id:845839137), the real single player or multiplayer game content is another place: 848450114 and it was copylocked, will you uncopylocked that too?
848450114 is now uncopylocked. If you’re still having issues I can upload the .rbxl for the place here.
Honestly just uploading .rbxl files directly here is better (as in when sharing uncopylocked, freeware, abandonware or tech demos in general)
Countless times i see people having issues with loading into the place so idk why not just upload the place file directly onto here or google drive idk
For animations, if you have the keyframes for it you can make a system that loads animations trough KeyframeSequenceProvider + RunService:IsStudio() to safe-guard it from being used in live-games when in studio testing (it’s what i do)