Mass Uncopylocked | 35 free games and projects

Need support? Read this: Mass Uncopylocked | 35 free games and projects - #74 by GamerOkami

I have been making experiences on the roblox platform resulting in millions of visits and robux over the course of a decade. As my time is coming to an end I wish for everyone to make their own fun with my creations and perhaps learn a thing or two while exploring my old code. Starting today my most developed games and projects will be uncopylocked and open sourced to everyone to use, whether for modding or just for scrap parts, for whatever purpose.

These experiences span over lots of genres and range from fully developed games with months of effort to side projects made in a single night. The majority of them are the latter but there’s no harm in giving them away apart from potential humiliation. Below is an organized list of all the open sourced experiences, just click on the hamburger menu next to the experience’s name to edit it in studio and download your own copy.

As much as I’d like this to be the most convenient source of assets there are a few caveats. Perhaps if this gets enough attention I’ll dedicate what time I have left to polish this source:

  • Sounds and animations will NOT work unless you re-upload them under your account.
  • A lot of these experiences, especially the side projects, have broken scripts. If you need help with getting something working you can reach out to me and I might be able to help.
  • All assets in these experiences are either created by me or my friends, from the toolbox, or from public sources such as youtube tutorials. As these experiences span over many years it is near impossible for me to give credit for everything which isn’t mine. Stealing shouldn’t be a concern but if you really need me to track down the creator of an asset I’ll do my best.
  • Some of the older experiences (made back when I was a kid who didn’t know any better) may have viruses or other backdoors in them. Always be careful with taking assets, whether from here or anywhere else on the internet.

Full Games:

Las Vegas at home
Public LvaH.rbxl (4.5 MB)
Casino themed arcade with working card games, AI opponents, and character upgrades.
Games include Texas Hold’em, Roulette, Three Card Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat, and Slots.

Camden at home
Open world revolutionary combat game with server sided flintlock weaponry.
Includes sapper construction, regiment and flag spawns, and ticket system in private servers.

Naval warfare at home
Arcade naval combat game with map voting, planes, ships, and weapons.
Weapons use FE gun kit, but vehicles are scripted by me including land turrets.

Waterloo at home
Open world Napoleonic combat game with classes, uniforms, and sapper building.
My most successful game and what most people on the platform know me for.

[PI] Training Facility
War clan training holo with an original admin panel and merit promotions.
Maps and weapons are from the clanning community, mainly for SMG/RCL fighting.

Noob Defense
Noob themed tower defense with many towers and enemies.
There are special enemies which spawn off the track to kill you and your towers.

Robbing Simulator
Open world stealing tycoon with police AI, weapons, house building, and a small city.
Mostly free modeled, back when I was still learning, except for the custom bank/store robberies.

Side Projects:

Roblox Feud
Family Feud game with working scoreboard and custom questions.
Nowadays you could just use AI to generate the questions and answers for you.

[SCPF] Site 103
SCP clanning game with a finished site build, main menu, teams, and weapons.
Weapons are FE gun kit. Includes working radio and dropping of tools upon death.

Vehicle Testing
Demo place for vehicles with working fuel tanks, radios, and lights.
Beware the train, I’ve had issues getting it working: Constraints not replicating from the server to the client

When Day Breaks
SCP-001 game with character transformation upon touching sunlight.
Reminds me of those furry transformation games, could be repurposed into one of those.

Trenches at home
WW1 themed TDM with server codes, classes, and a small map.
Underdeveloped and over-hyped, could be a great game with the right development strategy.

Napoleonic themed Apocalypse Rising with a small map and inventory system.
Mostly free modeled apart from the buildings. Back before Guts & Blackpowder was cool :sunglasses:

Siege Wars
TDM with futuristic weapons and capturable points.
Mostly broken. Weapons from that one Area 51 game. Inspired by: Noob VS Zombie V2.0 - Roblox

[WOLF] Battlegrounds
Small war clan battle grounds.
Has a copy of the Isaacs weapon system you could salvage and get working.

[WOLF] Base to be named
Large war clan battle grounds with terminals.
Has never seen a battle and is mostly broken now.

Very small war clan battle grounds.
Unsure what the weapon system is, but it’s probably broken. Very classic feeling.

[WOLF] Fort Tons: Operation Overseer
Large war clan fort with swords.
It’s amazing how kohl’s admin still works AFTER 8 YEARS!!!

[PI] Qualification Course
Small war clan obby for admissions.
Has a timer on the top, speedruns were used as merit rewards.

[PI] Fort Creek
Large war clan battle grounds with terminals.
Your best chances of working terminals are here as it’s the newest game to have them.

[PI] Fort Celestial
Large war clan battle grounds with death limit.
The map is very nice, if the death limit and SMGs aren’t broken then more power to you.

Clickity Click
Clicking game with player clicks saved across all sessions.
Back when that auto clicker trend was popular. Could be turned into a simulator with enough effort.

Obby Kit Demonstration
Obby kit with custom checkpoints and obstacles.
Still works after 6 years! Very simple kit you can expand from.

Chess and checkers game using hopper bins to move pieces.
Probably doesn’t replicate anymore but the piece rotating and resetting is neat.

Horror Project
Very small build showcase of a bedroom in a horror setting.
I couldn’t build better than this today if I tried :joy:

[BEFORE BETA] Practice Driving Simulator
Legacy driving simulator with a retro map and few cars.
I don’t care what anyone says, THESE CLASSIC CARS ARE EPIC!!!

Hangout game with a disco, memorial museum, and large dining area.
Everything’s broken, so I would only take building assets.

CONTRAST: Hardest Obby On Roblox
Small black and white obby with difficult obstacles.
Checkpoint system and the tiles are the only things of use.

RCL: Basic Aim & Shooting Training
RCL aim training with bots and several mini-maps.
The mini-areas are neat and could be used in your own training holo. Here’s a version with fixed bots by Eternity_Devs: RCL-Basic-Aim-Shooting-Training.rbxl

D-Day (Omaha Beach) ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ [BETA]
D-Day themed TDM with a small map.
TurboFusions weapons are broken, but the map/artillery could be salvaged for something.

Kings Landing
Game of Thrones clanning game with a large map and inventory system.
Map and inventory are super cool, unsure if it works though.

Experimental Truck
Vehicle demo with a functional semi truck.
The driving script works but it’s very minimal and should be improved on.

The Rising Apocalypse
Apocalypse Rising inspired inventory system.
Inventory is broken and looks ugly, impressive back when it was working 7 years ago.

Accessory System Showcase
Custom accessory showcase display kit.
Meant for clothing roleplay games but I can see it being used as a equipment station or something.

Small dungeon kit with puzzles, working gates, and sound parts.
The puzzle key still works, but the sound parts most likely need new sounds.

Trucking Mania!
Trucking simulator with a large map, vehicles, and cargo routes.
The map is ugly but the trucks have working fuel tanks and cargo inventories.


thanks man


YOOOOO! Maybe I could finally find a simple script for a gun (for learning purposes and making my own system).

Thanks for your contribution to Roblox, Okami. Your games are really fun and will be remembered.


Thanks a lot, have a great life!


Thanks for sharing. How can I contact you? Your msg are off… I have a few questions about one of the games.

Do you have a social account dm?



I did it!

puzzle time nice!


Roblox message and joining me in game whenever I’m online. You can also reply to me here.


Ty for share. I can do something like dat games.


Small FYI. If you need to contact me either leave a reply in this thread, send a forums direct message, or send an email at I check all methods daily. Try not to do it in discord as I own a lot of communications servers which go unchecked for periods of time.

Replying in this thread is preferable as it spreads awareness of this source and if someone else is having the same issue I can help multiple people at once. :smile:


This is the most amazingest tihing ever someone has done. Thanks for your contribution!


Small update. I added a picture for all the games and projects! Now you can better find something that catches your eye. :wink:


RCL-Basic-Aim-Shooting-Training.rbxl (227.8 KB)

i have fixed it and updated the functional.


Appreciated. I’ll add it to the main post.


I remember your games, especially Waterloo at home, that used to be really popular… it’s amazing how you are uncopylocking all of these games.


I added my latest game to this resource, Camden at home. I’ve spent 2 months on it and includes server sided flintlock and melee weaponry, sapper building, player classes, spawning on flags, leaderboard with regiments, ticket system for private server battles, and probably a few other things I’m forgetting.


If you guys are having trouble with Naval Warfare, you need to put settings on R6, because most players use R15.


On the robbery simulator, the cops do not spawn. Was this happening prior the game being uncopylocked or am i the only one experiencing this?

Nvm it’s also an issue on the main place, so it’s prob why this got uncopylocked lol


Cops aren’t procedural, they were coded to only spawn in set locations; When robbing either of the two banks or the research facility in the corner of the map. They used to also spawn when robbing the three story house with gold in it but that’s broken.

I joined the main game real quick and cops are spawning as intended.


Hey Okami, do you know why blackjaks and cards tables aren´t working?


Can you elaborate on what’s not working in your copy? Is it the animations? NPCs? Decals? Or something else? I joined the main game and everything seems to be operational.