Massive Glitch Avatar from Layered Clothing Combo

Items to equip:



Yup, can confirm.

Seems like Roblox still hasnā€™t solved the root of this issue as promised- itā€™s mostly been patched on a case by case basis. New ā€œmethodsā€ are continually being discovered as old ones get fixed.

Really hoping Roblox can implement some sort of ā€˜hard limitā€™ where layered clothing accessories will not be rendered outside a certain area around the player. This would stop these game breaking layered clothing glitches from causing havoc on experiences and ruining the game for others. Of course this isnā€™t a perfect solution, but it would help with the edge cases in which layered clothing goes haywire.


Layerd clothing can do things like that, I hope this is fixed soon! There are many ways to make a huge avatar with them.

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Thanks for the report! Weā€™ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


Thank you so much! This has been a problem for a while and it can be pretty frustrating for other roblox players.