Massive lag spike and crash shortly after joining any game

First of all - I’m sorry for miscategoring this topic but I’m for some reason unable to report engine bugs.

My problem with Roblox for now is that the Roblox Player experience massive lag spike lasting 3 or 4 seconds, and crashes completly, max. 30 seconds after the lag spike, returning no error notification nor crash log.

Like I’ve said above, this happens in every game and on top of that no matter whenever I move my character or camera around or not.
It began to happen like day or two ago (14th or 13th June)

I have the same issue since like a week (or 2, I can not remember), I found out (this migh not be true) that if I stand in place and wait for the game to load completley before doing anything the game will run as normal, on the other hand if I will walk around the map before game fully loads the massive lag will happend and the game will crash with no crash log.

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Alright, I’ll try that out. I’ll reply soon.

Seems to work, but I don’t know is it because of this. Maybe it just “fixed itself” as there’s no lag spike in the first place anymore.

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