Massive Luau error hovers that get truncated to the point of being unusuable

We have LARGE Luau types and sometimes there is a simple yet very hard to diagnose type-mismatch, such as this screenshot:

The error fortunately was located in this one, but sometimes it’s hard to read these and see the difference. The main issue is that it hides so much, it’s hard to really see the difference. I think a good potential solution for this kind of error would be doing a diff on the types and showing only the differences in some manner.

Anyway, thank you!


Feelin’ like trying to diagnose C++ template errors


For the time being, you can use Script Analysis, it makes the problem somewhat bearable.

But yeah, this do be annoying when messing with deeply-nested generic types


Thanks for the report; We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


A connected issue to this is that when you are hovering an error it disappears after 10 seconds LOL

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