Massive sound kit with 142 sounds, all categorized (Taking suggestions for new sound categories)

I’ve been using this mostly so i can always have good sounds ready when im making something so i dont have to spend a lot of time searching for them, i hope this helps you guys too!

What is in this kit

  • 7 Ability sounds
  • 4 Ambience sounds
  • 6 Breaking/Destruction sounds
  • 25 “Classic” sounds, from roblox
  • 13 Explosion sounds, small, medium, large, and collapse sound
  • 18 Gunshot sounds
  • 13 Horror sounds
  • 8 Impact Sounds
  • 14 Interact sounds
  • 14 Miscellaneous sounds
  • 9 Reloading sounds
  • 3 Ui sounds
  • 8 Vehicle sounds

Here is the link to the kit: Sound Kit v1.6.0 (142 SOUNDS) - Roblox this doesnt actually show how many sounds there are because the link here doesn’t update when the model gets updated

I will continue to add more and more sounds, if you have any you’d like to see in this pack tell me and ill try to find some sounds to add

Things added:
5 more vehicle Sounds
Abilty category with 7 sounds

1 New gun shot
1 New Explosion
3 New Interact sounds
6 New Miscellaneous sounds
New category, classics with 25 sounds

Several new sounds, new category

1 New explosion
1 New gunshot
New category, Impact with 8 sounds


add some anime skills SFX please! :smiley:
Thanks for the pack btw! love it!

ideea of sound (Xmas sound): here

(i didn’t found it on roblox’ library)

Can you add bus sounds please ? Like beeps and others things.

Do you mean things such as abilities ect?

Yo, I’d like to add these sounds to my plugin RoSound. That okay with you?

Not a problem to me, no credit needed

thanks very much! this is a useful contribution. nice work!

I found some new vehicle sounds but unfortunately only 5

By the way could i also use your plugin for adding more sounds?

You could, but then what would be the point of your sound kit if the audio could be found in RoSound as well? RoSound has many more users at this point and that would undermine the usability and convenience of your sound kit. Instead, you should try to just add more sounds that aren’t in the plugin.

It’s totally up to you though, RoSound is an open-source plugin for everyone to use.

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Yeah, i think you’re right. No point to it

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Are these sound effects free to use in my Roblox games, or do I run the risk of getting DMCAd?

Im not exactly sure, some are very common sounds on roblox but i dont know the origin of most of them

yes, things like that, its really hard to find those.

I suggest you put a disclaimer about the origin of these sounds, so that developers know that they may or may not be copyrighted. In my RoSound post, I have such a disclaimer.

How would i find their origins if its not already on the sounds description/name

Past me collected a bunch of .wav sounds, how convinient

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add material hit sounds from bullets and ricochet sounds

okay, ill try to find some when i can